reasons to buy meat online

5 Reasons to Buy Fresh Meat Online

Established, Friendly, Family Run Butcher

Above all, we’ve been doing what we do for a long, long time. Most online butchers started as High Street shops before branching out into selling their fresh meat products online.

Buying from a well established business, with years of valuable experience, means that you are assured of a quality product and excellent customer service, both before delivery and after. We know that keeping afloat during these tough times is about returning customers.

Five Very Good Reasons to Buy Meat Online from John Sheppard

  • A wide selection of quality meat at your fingertips
  • Quality assured
  • All British
  • Door to Door Service
  • Convenient Delivery Times

Benefits of Buying From a Butcher

Online meat delivery is not only cheaper, there is more choice compared to the super-markets. A ‘finest’ range from the super-market does not mean the best quality out there. Cuts from the high street stores are smaller than those from a butcher and if you have a particular requirement, or want a certain cut of meat, it’s easy to go online or pick up the phone and talk to an expert.

More Meat

A increased range of premium fresh meats are available at your fingertips. When you buy meat online you’re able to customise your order to fit in with your own meal plans. You can pick your meats or you can take the super-easy option and order a ready prepared box. The choice on how to buy is entirely up to you. It’s easier browsing a website than standing at the meat counter or checking out the super-market shelves for the best cut. There, you get what is ready packed and that’s that.

How Your Meat is Handled During Delivery

The meat is delivered in specially sealed and chilled packaging, which keeps it fresh. We strongly advise however, that if you have your meat box left in a safe place, you arrange to bring it in within half an hour or so to ensure it’s at it’s best.


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