red meat, vitamin D

Foods Containing Vitamin D

Vitamin D – The Feel Good Stuff During Lock-Down Number Three

It’s important to take vitamin D at the moment as you have probably been indoors more than usual this year.

The NHS advice is to take 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D a day between October and early March to keep your bones and muscles healthy.

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

  • oily fish – such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel
  • red meat
  • liver
  • egg yolks
  • fortified foods – such as some fat spreads and breakfast cereals

How Much Red Meat Can I Eat Per Week?

Three portions of red meat per week is the recommended amount if you are a red meat eater. You just have to love a good meaty steak or a home made burger don’t you?

It’s like just about everything in life. Moderation is key.

Fresh meat straight from the butcher is perfect. Online butchers are becoming more and more popular. We have seen a huge growth in this market of late. Our pre-prepared meat boxes are going down a storm. The difference is obvious as soon as you open your specially prepared box. Cuts are larger but the cost is often the same as in the super-market.

Vitamin Supplements

Of course, one way to get more vitamin D at this time of year, is to take a good quality supplement. Not all vitamin D supplements were born equal however. Be sure to take some advice before you decide upon a brand.

Get Some Sun When You Can

Our main source of vitamin D comes from the sun of course. Where possible, get out and get some fresh air. Even when the sun is hidden behind the clouds, it’s still there. If you can’t exercise outside, then be sure to top up with those vitamins or oily fish. In any case, vitamin D can only do you good this time of year 🙂


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