bbq meat boxes

Tis The Season to be Barbecuing

The Best Meats for Your BBQ

  • Steak
  • Burger
  • Sausages
  • Pork Steaks

Of course, chicken also comes up trumps on the old bbq, but in our opinion it’s a good idea to pop your chicken cuts in the over first for ten minutes or so. This ensures they are well cooked through.

The Best BBQ’s

It may seem silly and not all that important, but really, the best bbq food comes with a charcoal bbq. We aren’t dissing the gas kind, but you just don’t get that yummy smokey flavour that comes with charcoal burners. Please make sure that you get a lid. Why? It seriously locks in the flavour and on top of that it keeps the temperature regular. You know what it’s like when it’s gusty outside over here!

When to Get Cooking

Don’t be tempted to pop your meat onto the barbecue just after you’ve lit it. This leads to scorched cuts and often raw insides. Much better to start cooking when the flames have died down a little. Take out some hot plates so that you can pile the meat up as it cooks when you are catering for lots of guests.

If you are able to invest in a real BBQ over a throw-away then do that. The disposable types are fine, but they are just too small and you may even find that you have to buy two of them if you are entertaining a few people. A disposable BBQ is useful if it’s servicing two people, but anymore will be a struggle.

Seasoning Your Meat

It’s a funny thing, but so many if us think that barbecued meat does not need any seasoning. Not so! Food always tastes better with some seasoning. If nothing else, make sure you add some black pepper at least. A dash of salt is fine. Everything in moderation as they say.

Want your bbq meat delivered to your door? We sell the best cuts at great prices and on top of that you get to choose your own delivery date.


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